*We do not endorse, pay, or receive payment from the websites, books, and authors listed on this page. They are not affiliated in any way with ElliottWaveForecast2060.com. The list is provided for educational purpose only.

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Recommended BOOKS
on Elliott wave, Neowave, and wave theory

by Ralph Nelson Elliott (author)

Nature's Law: The Secret of the Universe (Elliott Wave) by Ralph Nelson Elliott

by Ralph Nelson Elliott (author)

RN Elliott's Masterworks: The Definition Colletion by Ralph Nelson Elliott

by Jarrod Sanders (author)

Elliott Wave Fibonacci High Probability Trading by Jarrod Sanders
Elliott Wave Cheat Sheets by C Mento

by Robert R Prechter (author)

The Basics of the Elliott Wave Principle by Robert R Prechter
Elliott Waves Made Simple by Steve Sinclair

“Since the very character of law is order, or constancy, it follows that all that happens will repeat and can be predicted if we know the law.”


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